Criminal Defense Attorney

Getting involved in any kind of legal trouble can leave you feeling lost and unsure of how to proceed. In instances like this, you must look for a criminal defense attorney to represent you, and at the Petersen Rothermel Law Firm, that’s exactly what we do. We’ve been in the legal field for many years and see people from all walks of life facing various misdemeanor criminal charges. Even when you feel like your case may not be as severe as the ones you see on TV or in the movies, you should still engage the services of a criminal defense lawyer. 

Finding a lawyer for criminal cases, big or small, is essential to getting the adequate representation you’ll need so the court can look at your case fairly. At the Petersen Rothermel Law Firm, our criminal lawyers are well-versed in getting all the pertinent information together and laying it out in a clear and comprehensible way for the court. Whether you’ve been charged with theft, assault, a DUI, trespassing, or a number of other infractions, we’ll give you the individualized approach each case needs. The criminal justice lawyers we have on our staff include a former Clark County criminal prosecutor, so we will help you navigate your case with an informed perspective. 

The right criminal law attorneys who understand the ins and outs of the legal system know how to break down your case into the most important points, and they know exactly how to present them. From an outsider’s perspective, the courts seem obtuse, but criminal defense attorneys know how to simplify this legal process for their clients. By guiding you through your case, they’ll give you the personalized representation that everyone needs for their case. An individualized approach like this is necessary when going against the complicated legal system.

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